Webinar: Learn to speak Financial
2023 will be a challenging year for organizations that must act on the new rules. Our goal in this series is to identify the critical changes so MSPs can discuss them with clients and uncover new opportunities within your client base, primarily the financial market. Steve Rutkovitz dove into the 2023 rule changes that affect the Financial rules and reporting. If you are like most MSPs, you have some financial clients that will be affected by these changes and how they report. Steve discussed the rapidly changing cyber security and compliance requirements, such as: FTC Safeguard Rule – are you ready for the December 9th Deadline? NEW SEC proposed rules tightening up cybersecurity in 2023 Protecting sensitive client data under FINRA 2023 guidelines The introduction of additional rules for NYDFS in the State of New York FDIC and NECU rules affect Small Banks and Credit Unions View the Recording View the Slide Deck